
Can We Get DNA from Fossil Dinosaurs?

Exploring the Possibility of Dinosaur DNA Recovery

The idea of extracting DNA from dinosaurs is something that’s captured the imagination of many, especially thanks to popular movies like Jurassic Park. Let’s look at this last question.

The concept of cloning a dinosaur is so complex that a book would be needed to cover all its ins and outs and background information. However, we can discuss the first step: Can we get dinosaur DNA? Let’s talk bout why it’s so challenging.

When it comes to fossil DNA, time is not on our side. DNA is a fragile molecule that begins to break down soon after an organism dies. Even under the best conditions, such as freezing temperatures and stable environments, DNA has a limited shelf life.

Research suggests that DNA can last up to about 6.8 million years under ideal conditions, but anything older is highly fragmented and difficult to work with. So, since non-avian dinosaurs went extinct about 66 million years ago, the likelihood of finding intact dinosaur DNA is virtually nonexistent.

a gif of a DNA molecule
A section of DNA. The bases lie horizontally between the two spiraling strands[15] (animated version) — DNA. (2024, August 15). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA

Over time, environmental factors like water and temperature fluctuations contribute to the breakdown of DNA. Water, in particular, is quite damaging. It causes a process known as depurination, where water molecules attack the DNA, breaking down its structure.

And while living organisms have mechanisms to repair this damage, once an organism dies, these repair systems shut down, and the DNA begins to degrade rapidly. And we all know Fossils are characterized by belonging to dead animals.

Here’s where things get funny. In the 1990s, there was excitement around the possibility of recovering DNA from ancient insects trapped in amber. The release of the Jurassic Park movie didn’t help this excitement. At some point, some scientists even thought they had extracted DNA from a 120-million-year-old weevil; so they thought that dinosaurs could be a reality too!

However, further analysis revealed a shocking reality… that these samples were contaminated with modern DNA, not ancient as initially believed. This example underscores the difficulty of working with ancient DNA: contamination is a constant threat, and distinguishing between ancient and modern DNA can be incredibly tricky. These sneaky molecules!

A fully cover scientist looking at a microscope
Nowadays, scientists cover themselves to prevent contamination — Photo by L N on Unsplash

However, let’s look at this from a more advanced perspective. AI is revolutionizing the world; could it also help with ancient DNA?

So far, AI has certainly made significant strides in many scientific fields, including genomics, where it’s been used to analyze genetic data and identify patterns that would be impossible for humans to detect. AI can help analyze ancient DNA by sifting through the tiny remaining fragments, piecing them together like a massive jigsaw puzzle, and even filling up gaps.

Further, AI tools can assist in reducing errors that come from human handling, a major hurdle in the process of studying ancient DNA. For example, AI can be used to identify and eliminate contaminated sequences that might otherwise mislead researchers more quickly. This ability to distinguish between ancient and modern DNA fragments can be crucial in ensuring the accuracy of the analysis.

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On top of this, AI could help speed up the process of searching for and identifying viable DNA fragments in fossil samples. Given the large amounts of data that come from even a single fossil sample, AI’s capacity to analyze and categorize this information quickly could prove invaluable.

Palaeogeneticist Morten Allentoft used the bones of extinct moa birds to calculate the half-life of DNA — Credit: M. Møhl

AI-driven tools are already being used to sift through massive datasets in other fields, such as genomics and climate science, and there’s potential for similar applications in paleogenetics.

Another area where AI could make a difference is in simulating DNA degradation processes. By modeling how DNA breaks down over millions of years, AI could help scientists better understand the likelihood of finding intact DNA in different fossil conditions.

This kind of predictive modeling could guide future experimental design, cutting costs significantly.

However, despite all these advancements, there are still significant limitations. AI is incredibly powerful, but it’s not a magic bullet. The biggest hurdle remains the age of the dinosaur fossils.

Even with the best AI tools available, if the DNA is too degraded, there may simply be nothing left to recover. The AI can only work with what it’s given, and in the case of dinosaur DNA, the material may be too far gone. Yes, don’t believe everything you see in movies.

However, the progress we’ve seen in ancient DNA research gives hope that one day, with the continued development of AI and other technologies, we might be able to extract useful genetic information from fossils that are currently beyond our reach.

It’s an exciting possibility, but for now, dinosaur DNA remains just out of our grasp. The future might hold surprises, but it’s clear that any breakthrough will require not just crazy rich scientists and advanced technology but also a bit of luck.

And what about you? What question would you ask a paleontologist at a party?

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